Discharge OASIS
This on-demand master class reviews the importance of OASIS items found in the discharge OASIS assessment, and the impact these items have on outcomes, star ratings and value-based payment. Get practical help with accurately coding the discharge assessment items, and how to avoid pitfalls that could lead to oversights and errors.
Review the important Discharge OASIS-E1 items and how they impact quality measures used in home health quality reporting.
Review the effect that discharge items have on outcome measures, process measures, VBP and Star Ratings.
Review OASIS Guidance pertaining to discharge assessments.
Identify specific items to review more closely while processing the Discharge OASIS
At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will receive 1.0 Nursing & Administrator CE’s, and 1 HCS-O hour.
*Purchase term consists of 1 month (30 days) of access to the online modules. Access is limited to the purchaser only. Modules may not be recorded, reproduced, or redistributed without the express consent of McBee Associates.
No refunds.
Due to the sensitive nature of the course work, and the intangible nature of the product, McBee is not able to offer refunds on any course materials.