$ 99.00
10-KAT: HCS-D Exam Preparation
Taking the HCS-D certification exam soon? Before you tackle the HCS-D certification exam, prepare yourself for success by taking the 10-KAT, a chal...
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$ 129.00
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology for Clinicians & Coders
This online course includes instruction on normal physiology of the systems, pathophysiology of common conditions and documentation, and assessmen...
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$ 799.00
CodeProU | Coding Bundle 1: All New to You
New to coding and home health? This is the bundle for you! The bundle includes the following courses: Anatomy and Physiology (To get you up to s...
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$ 699.00
CodeProU | Coding Bundle 2: Healthcare Professionals Wanting to Code
This bundle is for the healthcare worker in the Home Health setting who would like to learn to code OR who may need extra practice to get certified...
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$ 249.00
CodeProU | Level 1: Essential Concepts in Home Health & Hospice Coding
If you are new to coding or have no previous formal training in coding, this program is the starting point for a career as a professional home heal...
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$ 499.00
CodeProU | Level 2: Intermediate ICD-10-CM for Home Health & Hospice Coders
It’s important you know this is not a generic ICD-10-CM training program! It’s produced for those who need to attain an intermediate-level proficie...
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$ 199.00
CodeProU | Level 3: ICD-10-CM Coding for Hospice
The ICD-10-CM Coding for Hospice training program will enhance your knowledge of coding within the hospice setting, ensure coding accuracy and rein...
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$ 99.00
Exclusions in Coding: It's not you, it's me
ICD-10 coding conventions can be both helpful and tricky. The Excludes notes, although meant to be simple tenets of coding, are so complex that t...
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$ 129.00
HCS-D Exam Review
Passing the exam required to earn the HCS-D coding credential can be daunting for many. In this training program, Lisa Selman-Holman addresses the...
View full details$ 129.00Sale -
$ 269.00
Mastering the Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics
As healthcare professionals, we all strive to provide the best care possible for our patients. Join McBee for a comprehensive training series for...
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$ 59.00
Mastering the Essentials: Conditions of Participation
A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics. This module is an overview of some of the most important Conditions of Participation (CoPs), the interp...
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$ 59.00
Mastering the Essentials: Eligibility, Homebound and Certification
A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics. This module covers Eligibility, Homebound, and Certification. It takes a deep dive into Medicare covera...
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$ 59.00
Mastering the Essentials: PDGM, VBP, and Conditions of Payment
A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics. This module discusses an overview of the PDGM payment system, the Home Health VBP program and other not...
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$ 59.00
Mastering the Essentials: Plan of Care
A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics. This module identifies what should be included in the plan of care to be in compliance with the Conditi...
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$ 59.00
Mastering the Essentials: Survey Basics
A Comprehensive Guide to Homecare Basics. This module will cover Survey Basics and strategies for a successful survey. Learning Objectives Gener...
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$ 99.00
O-KAT: OASIS-E1 Exam Preparation
The O-KAT is an online, on-demand OASIS review exam specifically created for home health clinicians and coders. The O-KAT is a great way to assess ...
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$ 499.00
OASIS-E1 Complete Series
Get ready for OASIS-E1 mastery with The OASIS-E1 Complete Series! This all-inclusive course covers everything you need—guidance, tips, tricks, Q&am...
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$ 129.00
OASIS-E1 Exam Review
In the OASIS-E1 Exam Review, Lisa addresses how to prepare to sit for an OASIS-E1 certification exam, including both HCS-O and COS-C. She address...
View full details$ 129.00Sale -
$ 249.00
Star Series: Everything you need to know about Star Ratings
Are your Home Health Star Ratings where you want them to be? This program starts with an overview of Star Ratings, how they are calculated, and ho...
View full details$ 249.00Sale